
Our approach to 2020 and years ahead

In 2020 and the years ahead, Cordoba Training Center will continually aim to improve its course offerings and reach new target beneficiaries. This will be crucial in ensuring that Cordoba achieve its primary mandate of facilitating access in different methodologies of training (e.g. Distance learning) and build human capacity.

Access to training courses has perhaps never been more critical than in this current time of exponential technological growth and collective challenges facing all mankind.

As demand continues to grow,   both in terms of participation levels and the need for greater specialization in customizing of courses.  Cordoba  Training  Center’s education and training programs  2020 continues to offer its core training courses while adapting to meet new and diverse demands. 

In  2020,  Cordoba again offers a  wide range of courses covering fundamental and interdisciplinary aspects in different fields of training such as Leadership, management, digital creativity, and language. Courses range from basic and advanced distance learning  (DL)  courses to specialized,   professional development training for government officials, individuals,  cooperation employees,  and job seekers.

These  courses  are delivered  in  close  co-operation  by  university  professors  and  with  external independent academic expertise.

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